What the Hell Happened to My Career?

Unlike those who've just gotten too old or fat (or both, Kathleen Turner) to hold out for quality roles or those for whom quality was never an issue (Steven Seagal), there are a select few who seemed destined to build up an impressive body of work -- only to end up starring alongside Casper Van Dien.
Ray Liotta
High Point: Goodfellas (1990)
Low Point: In the Name of the King: A Dungeon Siege Tale (2007)
Diagnosis: Had the misfortune of appearing in such good films so early in his career (Goodfellas, Field of Dreams) that everything subsequently resembled a sack of crap. That said, nothing excuses starring in an Uwe Boll video game "movie." Nothing.
Mira Sorvino
High Point: Mighty Aphrodite (1995)
Low Point: WiseGirls (2002), co-starring Mariah Carey
Diagnosis: Her Oscar-winning role in Mighty Aphrodite was her own private "perfect storm" in which all the stars aligned to make her seem like a better actress than she really is. Reality set in soon thereafter. (At least she wasn't in Glitter.)
Wesley Snipes
High Point: Jungle Fever (1991)
Low Point: everything since 2002
Diagnosis: Is pretty much a douchebag. Seriously, dude, pay your taxes.
Heather Graham
High Point: Boogie Nights (1997)
Low Point: Blessed (2004), in which she's impregnated by Satan's DNA at a fertility clinic
Diagnosis: Even horny 14-year-olds got tired of seeing her pasty tits.
F. Murray Abraham
High Point: Amadeus (1984)
Low Point: the Sci-Fi Channel killer ape movie of the week BloodMonkey (2007)
Diagnosis: Obviously suffered a cerebral aneurysm sometime during the late '80s that caused him to go from the Academy Award-winning Amadeus to Slipstream, starring Mark Hamill.
Christopher Walken
High Point: The Deer Hunter (1978)
Low Point: Tie: Gigli (2003) / Kangaroo Jack (2003) / Balls of Fury (2007)
Diagnosis: After watching 274 hack comedians do impersonations of him, he's had a break with reality and now thinks he's Frank Caliendo doing a caricature of Christopher Walken.
Cuba Gooding Jr.
High Point: Jerry Maguire (1996)
Low Point: Where to start? Boat Trip (2002) / Snow Dogs (2002) / Daddy Day Camp (2007) / Norbit (2007)/Selling Michael Jordan's underwear
Diagnosis: Sold his soul for the ability to win an Academy Award based solely on a catchphrase. Even Satan regrets this decision now.
Jenna Jameson
High Point: I Love Lesbians (1995)
Low Point: Evil Breed: The Legend of Samhain (2006)
Diagnosis: While I Love Lesbians embodied her amazing tolerance of both same-sex relationships and vaginal trauma, Evil Breed is just a sexless horror movie lacking her usual social commentary and ass play. Plus, now she looks like shit.
Labels: development hell
Let us not forget that Ray Liotta also starred in that piece of shit Revolver by stupid Guy Ritchie. That is probably the dumbest, self indulgent piece of shit I have ever had to watch.
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