Spank Me
I have sometimes grown so worried about this that I have physically unplugged my computer from the Internet. The chief reason this happens to me and not you is because I know such a thing can be done. I once did it to a friend of mine early in high school.
I certainly never knew enough about computer hacking to be considered a computer hacker; it was more like I had seen the movie "Hackers", and also knew how to do basic Internet things like use a search engine and send someone a file.
So, I sent a file to a friend and told him that somehow it would make his Internet work faster. That was literally all I had to say: in those post-porno awareness, pre-broadband Internet days, we would take our chances with anything that might lessen the digital divide between us and a doctored picture of Katie Holmes' bare tits.
A few nights later, I tapped into the guy's computer. It was online, but no one did anything with it for about five minutes. Suddenly, an Internet Explorer window sprang open and whoever had opened it quickly navigated in a very pre-meditated way to a website and began looking diligently at spank-me porn.
Porn with no sex, just spanking. Pictures of girls, belly-down on a bare mattress, pooltable, kitchen countertop, or dude's lap, with splotchy, hand-towel-sized red marks on one or both ass cheeks. Sometimes a hand is pictured coming down on the ass, and sometimes the wrist near the hand is wearing a watch. I remember one of the watches was very nice, too nice for a man doing this sort of work to afford on his own. One of the producers must have given it to him to wear for the shoot, to class it up a bit. This was a kind of porno that needed classing up.
What concerned me most about it was how it didn't seem to matter whether these asses were hot or not. A lot of them were just formless, all-over-the-place asses where it all resembles a huge glob of cottage cheese packed into a satchel of wax paper, right down to the particular shade of white. I watched along for about eight minutes and the person showed no signs of changing course or slowing down.
Devin Rosenbaum, if you are reading this, was it you or your dad who was looking at spank-me porn?

Labels: spooged